Wire Agency is a new kind of agency. An agency that takes the best from the digital, advertising and media agencies. And combine it in a new, innovative way.

Jakob Rossing, Strategic Director

Christian Lembourn, Creative Director

Wire Agency was founded in 2015 by Strategic Director Jakob Rossing and Creative Director Christian Lembourn. Both have a background in the top-tier Copenhagen ad industry, as well as from digital companies.

But they felt that the ad industry was missing something: The digital agencies were good at coding and designing. But lacked the skills to make good branding and create sales. The ad agencies were good at storytelling and catching people’s attention but were blank when it came to digital knowledge.

 And the media agencies were only concerned with click prices and cheap content.

Therefore, they created a new kind of agency where the traditional silo thinking was abolished. Instead, this new agency would take the best from all worlds and combine it in an open working environment. The result has been beyond expectations. The agency has produced case after case with significant results.

Contact directly:
Strategic Director Jakob Rossing +45 23 40 78 05
Creative Director Christian Lembourn +45 60 75 75 76



Cases with significant results

These are examples of our digital campaigns. They have all created measurable and well-documented results. From increased turnover to strong brand awareness and positions resulting in increased market shares.


9 mia mere i omsætning og dobbelt så mange kunder på 2 år.


International kampagne baseret på ultra skarp data og kreativitet.

   Circle K

7,5 % større salg end året før med søde film på Facebook og YouTube.

  Kræftens Bekæmpelse

Imponerende resultater med to-delt kampagne. Mange undgår dødelig sygdom.


Satsning på lokal branding hjælper LokalBolig til at blive hurtigst voksende kæde.


Kampagne får 16.000 af Danmarks rigeste til at møde personligt op i banken.

  Ansvarlig investering

Lars Bom hjælper 42 banker og sparekasser med at trænge igennem.

  Lokal Puljeinvest

Fællesskab er omdrejnings-punkt i digital informationskampage.

Måske vi kan skabe lignende resultater for dig? Så lad os mødes.

Wire Agency ApS
Kristen Bernikows Gade 4
1105 København K
Tlf.: 70 60 50 59

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Måske vi kan skabe lignende resultater for dig? Så lad os mødes.

Wire Agency ApS
Kristen Bernikows Gade 4
1105 København K
Tlf.: 70 60 50 59

Persondatapolitik og brugervilkår
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